About Smvkt


On this page you will find the imprint applicable to S.M Værktøj Aps and related information in accordance with the German Telemediengesetz.

Name and address

S.M Værktøj ApS
Smedevej 16C
7430, Ikast, Denmark
+45 72 22 02 22

Management: Steffan Haugaard Madsen

Commercial Register Entry

CVR Nr.: 32308074

Responsible within the meaning of Section 18 (2) of the State Media Treaty (MStV)

S.M Værktøj ApS
Steffan Haugaard Madsen
Smedevej 16C
7430, Ikast, Denmark

Legal Information

Copyright (Copyright ©)

All contents of this website (in particular text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos) and their arrangement on S.M Værktøj ApS websites are protected by copyright and other protective laws. The content of these websites may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes without the consent of the respective copyright holder.

Unless otherwise indicated, the trademarks used on our pages are the intellectual property of S.M Værktøj ApS, Denmark.

No licence
This website does not grant a licence to use the intellectual property (in particular patents, trademarks and copyrights) of S.M Værktøj Group companies or third parties.
Online dispute resolution (obligation to provide information in accordance with §36 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act)

Information on online dispute resolution: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS). This platform is intended to serve as a contact point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts and online service contracts.

The platform can be accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Applicable law
All information or data, its use and all actions, tolerations or omissions in connection with the S.M Værktøj ApS website are subject exclusively to German law.

Links to other websites
The websites contain links to other websites. S.M Værktøj is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of these other websites.