As SMVKT mainly deals with business customers, the prices on the website are shown exclusive of VAT. Prices including VAT are shown in brackets. All prices are exclusive of freight, packaging and any handling fees. All prices are daily prices and only valid on the day of order. SMVKT is entitled to make price changes in price lists and offers without notice, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Documentation & Instructions
If there are product descriptions and user manuals for the product, these are included in the delivery from SMVKT. If you require further information or advice from SMVKT, this is for guidance only.
SMVKT makes any offer without prejudice to intermediate sales. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the offer is only valid for acceptance no later than 30 days after the date of the offer. SMVKT accepts no liability for the content of catalogues, brochures and other information of any kind from SMVKT's suppliers.
SMVKT does not provide an independent warranty on delivered goods. The buyer only accepts to be able to make a claim under a supplier's warranty for a product directly to the supplier, as SMVKT only passes on information about any supplier's warranty to the buyer.
Order Confirmation & Accept
The buyer's order and order of any kind is binding on SMVKT and the buyer when the order is placed. After placing an order with the seller, the buyer is not entitled to change or cancel it. If, despite the above, SMVKT separately approves a change or cancellation, the buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with the cancellation or change, including costs for storage and safeguarding quality and properties and business, as a result of the postponed delivery date. Agreements on changes or additions to the original agreement are not binding on SMVKT without written confirmation from SMVKT.
SMVKT delivers to all of Denmark and abroad we deliver to Sweden, Finland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland at the applicable freight rate.
SMVKT uses different carriers for the different goods to ensure the buyer the best possible freight. If a fixed delivery time has been agreed, SMVKT is entitled to an extension of the time limit in the following cases:
Force majeure, cf. the point below.
Delay caused by suppliers, carriers or other third parties.
Delay due to credit rating of the buyer.
Unusual weather and climatic influences.
Labour disputes for any reason.
Public orders or prohibitions that SMVKT should not have foreseen when entering into the agreement.
The risk in the goods and/or the goods shall pass to the Buyer at the time of delivery.
If SMVKT has agreed to deliver to the buyer's address or other place designated by the buyer, SMVKT will deliver the parcel as close to the place of use as a lorry can drive at the driver's discretion without risk of getting stuck or damaging the vehicle or the surroundings.
The buyer is obliged to provide the necessary personnel for unloading. If the Buyer fails to fulfil this, SMVKT shall be entitled, but not obliged, to make delivery with release effect at the place of delivery, regardless of whether a representative of the Buyer is present.
Delivery is considered to have been properly delivered when the parcel is placed at the buyer's designated place, by the buyer's signature and/or by scanning the buyer's authorisation to the carrier. The driver's delivery note is considered proof of correct delivery.
The buyer shall pay any costs resulting from the buyer not being able to receive the goods at the designated place of delivery or if the buyer refuses to accept the goods.
Complaints and liability for delay
In the event of minor delays, SMVKT will make a subsequent delivery. In the event of significant delay on the part of SMVKT, the buyer is entitled to cancel the purchase. The buyer is not entitled to any damages or other compensation in connection with SMVKT's delay. This applies regardless of whether the buyer cancels or maintains the purchase.
SMVKT does not accept returns. If, despite the above, it is separately agreed that SMVKT will accept returns, the goods must be unused, in perfect condition and in original and unbroken packaging. The goods must also be free from dirt, etc. However, SMVKT will never accept the return of goods specially produced and/or brought home for the buyer. SMVKT will credit authorised returned goods with a deduction of the fee set by SMVKT to cover return costs and SMVKT's sales costs.
All goods are covered by a 12-month warranty under Danish law. The complaint must be made in a timely manner and quickly after discovery.
If the complaint is justified, SMVKT may choose to rectify defects by repair, replacement or refund depending on the specific situation.
Defects caused by unsuitable or incorrect storage or use are not covered by the right of complaint. If the complaint is justified, we will refund reasonable shipping costs.
The goods must be sent carriage paid to SMVKT in proper packaging and arrive in undamaged condition. The buyer bears the risk in connection with the freight to SMVKT.
Duty to investigate
Immediately upon delivery or receipt, and always before the goods are used, processed or installed, the buyer shall inspect the delivered goods to ensure that they are free of defects and matches the ordered goods, including differences in colour and shade within acceptable limits.
Complaints about defects or incorrect delivery, including deviations in quantity, which the buyer has or should have discovered after inspection, must be reported immediately to SMVKT and absolutely no later than 5 working days after delivery of the goods to the buyer in order to be taken into account. The buyer cannot later claim defects that could have been detected during the above inspection.
In the event of defects or deficiencies that have arisen in connection with transport and that can be immediately detected upon delivery, the buyer is obliged to notify the relevant carrier and ensure that the driver notes and acknowledges visible defects and deficiencies on the consignment note. Liability for defects in the object of sale shall lie with SMVKT's manufacturer or supplier.
Payment, retention of title and collateral
If the buyer has an account with SMVKT, the purchase price is due for payment according to the payment terms applicable to the buyer's account. The last due date for payment is stated in the invoice text. The purchase price is due for payment from the stated time of delivery, cf. the section on delivery, regardless of whether the buyer's circumstances mean that delivery cannot be made as agreed.
If the buyer's payment(s) are not made on time and/or if the conditions for the agreed credit are significantly changed, SMVKT shall be entitled to withhold all further deliveries to the buyer, regardless of whether the deliveries are interrelated.
In the event of payment by the buyer after the last due date for payment, default interest shall be added to the overdue receivable, including VAT, in accordance with the Interest Act, unless another interest rate is customary, customary or agreed.
Accrued default interest and any fees shall be due for payment immediately and shall be paid in advance of all other debts by regular instalments.
SMVKT retains title to the goods sold, regardless of whether delivery has taken place, until the full purchase price and any interest and/or fees have been paid. Smvkt is at any time in connection with or after the conclusion of the agreement entitled to demand satisfactory security from the buyer for the timely payment of the purchase price, freight costs, interest and other costs.
In the event of late payment, SMVKT shall be entitled to submit any claim against the buyer to debt collection without notice. The Buyer is obliged to pay the collection costs stipulated by the debt collector. SMVKT is entitled to assign claims against the buyer in whole or in part to a third party without the separate consent of the buyer.
Product Samples
Samples only show colours, size and quality in general, which is why SMVKT is not liable for any deviations, unless the deviations are significant and unforeseeably large for the buyer in relation to the samples shown.
Force Majure
In the event that delivery or defect-free delivery is prevented or delayed by events beyond SMVKT's control, including but not limited to labour disputes, operational disruptions, transport difficulties or other third party failure, including supplier or manufacturer insolvency or the like, SMVKT may, without liability, postpone delivery or cancel the Buyer's order in whole or in part at its own discretion by notifying the Buyer as soon as possible.
General limitation of liability and carriage
SMVKT's liability cannot, regardless of any proven negligence, include daily penalties, operating loss, loss of profit, loss of time or other indirect loss, whether the liability may be based on general liability rules or on any other basis. If SMVKT's supplier or other third party is liable to SMVKT for delays or defects, SMVKT will be prepared, as far as possible, to provide the buyer with transport in SMVKT's claims against the supplier or third party.
Any dispute arising between the parties shall be settled by arbitration unless SMVKT decides that the dispute shall be settled by the ordinary courts.
All disputes shall be settled in accordance with these terms of sale and delivery for business customers and otherwise in accordance with Danish law. If the case is to be settled by arbitration, the arbitration tribunal shall be established in accordance with the rules in §47 of ‘General Terms and Conditions for Works and Deliveries in Construction and Civil Engineering’.
The arbitration must be established following legal proceedings brought before the ordinary courts. If the case is decided by the ordinary courts, the case shall be brought to the jurisdiction of SMVKT's head office regardless of where the buyer lives or resides.