Disposable Chem Suit | Engangsdragt Type 5B/6B

49,95 kr 62,43 kr
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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Disposable Chem Suit | Engangsdragt Type 5B/6B

Engangsdragt med hætte, lynlås ved frontåbningen dækket af en klæbeflap, elastiske manchetter, ankler og hætte; tilskårne og syede sømme.

Materiale: Mikroporøs polypropylen+polyethylenfilm (55 GSM). GSM eller gr.m/2 – betyder stoffests vægt pr. Kvadratmeter målt i gram.


EN 13034:2005+A1:2009 – Beskyttelse mod flydende kemikalier, let spray (type 6)
EN ISO 13982-1:2004+A1:2010 – Beskyttelse mod luftbårne faste partikler (type 5)
EN 1073-2:2002 – Partikelformet radioaktiv kontaminering (ingen stråler)
EN 14126:2003+AC:2004 – Infektiøse stoffer (type 5B, 6B)
EN 1149-5:2008 – Elektrostatiske ladninger
EN ISO 13688:2013 – Beskyttelsesbeklædning – generelle krav

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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Disposable Chem Suit | Engangsdragt Type 5B/6B

One piece coverall with hood, zipper at the front opening covered by adhesive flap, elastic cuffs, ankles, and hood; cut and sewn seams.

Fabric: Microporous, polypropylene+ polyethylene film (55 grams).


Polybag: 1 pcs
Carton: 50 Pcs

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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Disposable Chem Suit | Engangsdragt Type 5B/6B
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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Disposable Chem Suit | Engangsdragt Type 5B/6B

NORSE is a new brand within personal protective equipment and cutting tools. The focus is on a diverse product range that meets the needs of all common businesses. Product development takes place in collaboration with some of the world’s largest manufacturers and thus ensures the high quality of our products.