Pump-It 15 | Indlægssål

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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Pump-It 15 | Indlægssål

Special udviklet  indlægssål med luftpumpe teknologi. Ved hvert skridt du tager aktiveres den unikke luftteknologi, som pumper luft fra hælen til svangen og på den måde tilpasser svangstøtten til netop din fod. Teknikken bevirker en mærkbar effektiv svangstøtte hele dagen. Poron® puden giver forfoden optimal stødabsorbering.


  • Specialtilpasset svangstøtte
  • Ergonomisk pasform
  • Letvægt
  • Mindsker trætte fødder
  • Klimakontrol

Læs mere om Airtox® Teknologier >

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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Pump-It 15 | Indlægssål
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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Pump-It 15 | Indlægssål
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Liquid error (snippets/product-recommendations line 11): comparison of String with 2 failed
Pump-It 15 | Indlægssål

Airtox® is a safety shoe manufacturer from Copenhagen. All the shoes are designed and engineered in Denmark, and assembled in selected countries worldwide. The company trademark is a mysterious, yellow space bird. They represent the future and focus on Airtoxicating safety shoes.

The constant focus on developing and experimenting with new materials and technologies, makes Airtox one of the leading brands within safety shoes. Some of these technologies are know as Whitelayer®, StyroSoft® and Powerbreeze®